Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Showcase
ERAU Data Commons is an institutional data repository and data management tool, designed to give ERAU researchers a place to collect, manage, curate, share, preserve, and publish their research-supporting data and the research output of the university. This repository is a companion to Scholarly Commons, where legacy data sets and a broad range of ERAU-created materials can be found.
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21 results
- Repository for TEC data and simulation outputs used in the study "The Impact of Receiver-Satellite Line-of-sight Geometry on GNSS TEC Observations of TIDs".The repository includes TEC data, MAGIC-GEMINI modeled electron densities, and simulated TEC along real LOSs on 27th May 2017 at 19:30 UT. Description of data and simulation output is found in ReadMe.txt
- Dataset
- System for Rapid Analysis of Ionospheric Dynamics based on GNSS TEC SignalsSystem for Rapid Analysis of Ionospheric Dynamics based on GNSS TEC Signals (S-RAID) performs downloading, parsing, and processing of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal measurements and their geometry of observations, calculation of slant and vertical total electron contents (sTEC and vTEC) and subsequent visualization for selected band-passes of fluctuations with periods shorter than two hours. In a routine operation, the System processes 15/30 sec GNSS signal measurements over Continental United States (CONUS) from ~2700 stations. Raw GNSS signal measurements are collected from public archives, including The Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS), EarthScope/UNAVCO, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography's Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC). The System is oriented towards rapid access to GNSS sTEC/vTEC data for the investigation of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) of various nature, from large scale TIDs to irregularities of ~10s of km and minutes of periods, in particular those driven by atmospheric acoustic and gravity wave dynamics. The details of data processing methodology are provided the section Steps to Reproduce below, and in (2) and Supporting Information to it. Currently, this archive provides an access to high-resolution visualization of processed vTEC mapped over CONUS for years 01/2017-12/2024. The structure of the archive: /YYYY/MM/DD/animation.mp4, where YYYY - year, MM - month, DD - day of month, animation.mp4 - temporally evolving visualization of processed vTEC (see Steps to Reproduce for the details of data processing methodology). To reference the archive or the methodology for data processing, we suggest to: (1) Cite this archive by its DOI: 10.17632/jbx98yscmd.1, and/or (2) Cite Inchin, P. A., et al. (2023). Multi-layer evolution of acoustic-gravity waves and ionospheric disturbances over the United States after the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcano eruption. AGU Advances, 4. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023AV000870. Being processed in an automated regime, the visualizations may contain errors and bugs and thus should be used with caution as is. If you encounter any issues or wish to obtain data for animation replication, contact Inchin P.A. pinchin@cpi.com, J.B. Snively snivelyj@erau.edu or M.D. Zettergren zettergm@erau.edu. Research is supported by DARPA Cooperative Agreement HR00112120003. This work is approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. The content of the information does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the Government, and no official endorsement should be inferred.
- Dataset
- Supplemental Materials to the Manuscript "Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Coseismic Atmospheric Dynamics and Ionospheric Responses in Slant Total Electron Content Observations"This collection hosts the datasets associated with the journal article, Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Coseismic Atmospheric Dynamics and Ionospheric Responses in Slant Total Electron Content Observations. Authors: P.A. Inchin Center for Space and Atmospheric Research, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA Computational Physics, Inc., Springfield, Virginia, USA Y. Kaneko Department of Geophysics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan A.-A. Gabriel Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany T. Ulrich Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany L. Martire Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA A. Komjathy Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA J. Aguilar Guerrero Center for Space and Atmospheric Research, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA M.D. Zettergren Center for Space and Atmospheric Research, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA J.B. Snively Center for Space and Atmospheric Research, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA Correspondence: P.A. Inchin, pinchin@cpi.com The collection includes next datasets: Dataset 1 Title: Sim #1. Electron density 3D fields Description: 3D outputs of electron densities of GEMINI simulation #1 in HDF5 format, geographic coordinates and scripts for reading and plotting of the data. Dataset 2 Title: Sim #1. Vertical fluid velocity 3D fields Description: 3D outputs of vertical fluid velocities of MAGIC simulation #1 in mat format, geographic coordinates and scripts for reading and plotting of the data. Dataset 3 Title: Sim #3. Vertical fluid velocity 3D fields Description: 3D outputs of vertical fluid velocities of MAGIC simulation #3 in mat format, geographic coordinates and scripts for reading and plotting of the data. Dataset 4 Title: DynamicVSKinematic model sTEC comparison Description: The figures illustrating the comparison of sTEC signals from Simulation #1 and Simulation #3 and observations.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (L1 Lyapunov orbits)Explosions along orbits of L1 Lyapunov family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (L2 Halo orbits)Explosions along orbits of L2 Halo family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (L1 Halo orbits)Explosions along orbits of L1 Halo family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (L1 Axial orbits)Explosions along orbits of L1 Axial family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (L2 Lyapunov orbits)Explosions along orbits of L2 Lyapunov family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (L2 Axial orbits)Explosions along orbits of L2 Axial family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset
- Explosions dataset (2D Distant Retrograde Orbits)Explosions along orbits of 2D DRO family. The folder includes the initial conditions of the orbits studied and separated mat files for each explosion. In addition, a JSON file is saved including all the information of the explosions in case of computing simulations outside Matlab. Explosions' files include the state vectors of the fragments for discrete time steps over two years of evolution and classify debris whether fragments escape the system, impact the Earth or the Moon, or continue orbiting throughout the region.
- Dataset